Saturday, November 14, 2009

Next departure 19.11.09, destination : Tozeur, Tunisia

Next Thursday, 19 November 2009, I will be on my way to Tozeur, Tunisia. It won't be a total "vacation" trip, but will feel more like that, since the only working time will be on Friday morning, and it will only last for about 2 hours or so.

Tozeur is an oasis and a city in south west Tunisia. It's, also, a large oasis, which was important for the transportation through Sahara, where one can see fata morgana's. The average temprature for this particular area during the month of November is in between 8.5°C - 20°C, which at night it could be quite cold considering it's location in the middle of the dessert.

I won't reveal name of places I will visited for the moment, want to keep it as a secret for my reader :) But one thing I can promise, before I go, I will certainly sharing the inside of my camera bag.

Have a great weekend.


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