Sunday, September 5, 2010

Fafleralp and EF 28mm f1.8

It was a beautiful summer day, bright sunshine without a trace of breeze that we usually had. So we've decided to do the nature hike at the "wild side" of Valais. It took us about 2 hours drive to arrive at Lötschental area, and we continue a little bit more to arrive at the end of the valley.

The Lötschental valley is sorrounded by 3000 meter high mountains, and is the most glaciated area in the Swiss alps.

While we ventured around the trail, we met some cows who went down from the mountain. I tried to take some close-up personal picture, but since I just roaming around with my EF 28mm f1.8 on my Canon EOS 5D mark II, then I really had to be extremely close with them.

I found the EF 28mm f1.8 could be put in the category of "if I could only could live with one" lens. I serves well for the panoramic picture, and as for close-up picture, it doesn't distort the picture since it isn't too "wide" angle. I took this lens with me when I went to North Cape during the polar night last winter. The f1.8 helped a lot when I had to take some panoramic picture in the extreme low-light condition (works better than my EF 24-70mm f2.8 USM L)

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